Let’s Sort Out Your LinkedIn Profile!


We feel like a stuck record sometimes, but, we do have to keep talking about LinkedIn.

That’s because a great LinkedIn profile is crucial for securing remote jobs or freelance work.

It acts as your digital portfolio, showcasing your professional journey, accomplishments, and skills to potential employers or clients.

A strong profile can differentiate you in a competitive market, making you more visible and attractive to those searching for top talent. Concise, impactful summaries and relevant keywords can boost your profile's discoverability, while endorsements and recommendations build credibility. Whether you're looking for steady remote employment or diverse freelance projects, a well-crafted LinkedIn profile is a powerful tool to highlight your expertise and attract opportunities.

We’ve created a ton of blog and podcast content over the years, products like our LinkedIn Guidebook and our ‘level up’ challenges. But we know there’s still a gap sometimes, between KNOWING what to do, and DOING THE THING… actually getting the advice implemented.

Blocking out the time for this important activity, knowing where to start, tackling an out of date profile, or staring at a blank screen - all of these can be obstacles, to sorting out the one thing which can propel you to remote work success.

That’s why we’re introducing our LinkedIn Power Hour, and we have a FREE webinar to tell you all about it:

💡 Who Should Attend?

  • Remote jobseekers looking to expand their career opportunities

  • Freelancers who want to attract the right clients and projects

  • People who have a LinkedIn profile they haven’t touched for years, or simply isn’t set up to work hard on their behalf.

  • Anyone curious about the importance of LinkedIn for remote work success

Register today, to join us live on Wednesday June 19th at 1pm, and hear from Diana Berryman, our very own “Social Butterfly” - who can’t wait to get your LinkedIn sorted out once and for all!


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