About Us

Maya Middlemiss

Remote Work Europe, Remote Work Spain

Back around 2007, I had been working remotely from home in the suburbs of London for many years already, even though the technical environment was very different to what we presently enjoy.

In business though, the idea of working from home was becoming more acceptable, and I was visiting clients face to face in London less frequently. At the same time, as a family, we were seeking a new place and community to raise our young daughters, and - long story short - we wound up on the Spanish Costa Blanca, by the end of 2008.

Since that time, both of us have been remote workers in Spain, and experienced life as freelancers, autonom@s, employees, contractors, and proprietors of an S.L. We have moved around and lived in several places along Spain's Eastern coast, and now have two older daughters who are both, as it turns out, remote students too.

Today we live in the outskirts of Valencia, Spain's 3rd city, where I am happily full-time freelancing - as a journalist, podcaster, speaker, and remote work advocate.

I am the host of the Future is Freelance podcast, and author of the Healthy Happy Homeworking book series.

For the past few years my work has centred around the future of work and business, which is an incredibly exciting space in which to be a storyteller right now. Profiling people who are pushing the boundaries of what is possible, from digital nomadism to repurposing geographies to new forms of distributed organisations and communities. As well as being a Brit who is resident in Spain, I am also an e-resident of Estonia.

Remote Work Europe is my latest project to support my fellow remote workers locally, from long term expats to the new wave of more nomadic visitors to my chosen home.

And if I am not sat at my desk or behind a mic, you'll probably find me travelling for business, pleasure, or the ideal blended mix. Either that or I will be hiking a mountain trail, visiting a new village, or relaxing on a Mediterranean beach - enjoying all that Spain has to offer.

Luca Di Filippantonio

Remote Work Sweden

Luca is a Web & Software Developer with a deep-rooted passion for technology and sustainability. Born in Italy, Luca has been living in Sweden for 15 years. With a mission to shape the Future of Work through sustainable, effective solutions, Luca creates digital experiences that not only enhance productivity but also leave a positive impact on our planet. Luca thrives in collaborative environments and has had the privilege of working with international and global companies, bringing diverse perspectives to every project.

โ€œI joined Remote Work Europe because I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to work remotely, regardless of where they live. Remote work offers a number of benefits, including increased flexibility, productivity, and job satisfaction. I'm excited to be part of a community that is working to make remote work more accessible and inclusive.โ€

Diana Berryman

Remote Work UK

I am from the UK but have lived in Spain for 16 years, which is where my passion for remote work began. I had three young children and finding work was an issue, if I wanted to stay in Spain with my family I had to think outside the box. My husband and I had a holiday business, but it was very seasonal so I needed something more sustainable to keep us all year round. Facebook and Twitter were still in their infancy and I was learning the ropes of social media by marketing my own business. I also helped out friends with theirs and it grew from there, eventually into a business of its own, rather than a side hustle.

Since about 2012 I have been working as a social media manager more or less full time. Iโ€™ve worked with clients from all over the world, in all kinds of industries and have worked with Maya, the founder of Remote Work Europe, for a very long time. I helped Maya at the beginning of Remote Work Spain, so when she decided to expand after the huge success of her Remote Work Spain group, I was the first person she contacted to be the admin in Remote Work UK, of course I said yes!

The rest is history, I now combine my love of social media, with my passion for helping people to find their dream job, or client. Iโ€™m still very much connected with the UK and many of my clients are there, so helping UK folks with their job searching is my absolute dream. I want others to have the lifestyle they want, rather than the 9-5 drudgery that so many put up with, work that fits around their life, rather than the other way around. Remote Work UK is very young still, but weโ€™re working to build it up into the fabulous community that Remote Work Spain is. Itโ€™s so exciting to be a part of this, who knows where we will end up. Watch this space.

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Linda Liu

Editorial Assistant for Remote Work Europe

Linda assists with the wonderful weekly newsletter from Remote Work Europe that helps thousands of remote workers and digital nomads all across the globe find their dream jobs. Having experienced firsthand the transformative power of remote work, Linda joined Remote Work Europe with a mission to amplify the benefits of flexible work arrangements.

Linda is also an OSINT(open-source intelligence) enthusiast, guided by her curiosity and passion for digital investigation, Linda excels in connecting dots and unravelling hidden narratives.

Linda currently resides in Spain and loves travelling in her free time, with or without her laptop.