Remote Work Europe Country Leaders

Remote Work Europe began as Remote Work Spain - with this Facebook group, which Maya started in summer 2021, to help people who didn’t want to go back to the office as the world unlocked.

But we quickly found that people were joining and asking questions from outside Spain, and there was equal hunger for high-quality information and well-run communities across our region - and beyond (though we’re sticking to Europe for now, taking a flexible and non-political view to embrace the whole area.)

Remote work is - or should - be without boundaries. But in reality, it’s often constrained by local employment law, regulation, tax codes, and more. Much of the breakthrough service provision work today is focussing on compliance and making cross border hiring a reality, and as such, orienting all content and community growth on one country is limiting.

So that’s why we’ve grown and expanded, to create this website, a thriving newsletter, and a range of products and services to support remote workers, right across Europe.

And it’s also why, in addition to this website, we’re growing Remote Work Europe with individual country-level English-language Facebook groups, managed in collaboration with local administrators.

The growth of remote work continues to accelerate, and while the digital nomad community is increasingly well served globally, there is less focus on the settled remote worker/immigrant/expat audience. This audience is more likely to be higher paid and employed, at a family life-stage, and seeking longer-term solutions to their work-life planning.

Our country admins are usually people living in the place they represent, and who share our values, of making real remote work accessible to all. Many are immigrants to their chosen home, who can relate to the challenges and concerns of new arrivals, and be an informative source of support and advice.

This is not a ‘job’ - we cannot pay you for your time that you commit to Remote Work Europe. This is not for everyone, especially those who prefer a strictly linear relationship with time spent and earning money. This is an opportunity to grow with Remote Work Europe, and to grow and develop your personal leadership and authority as a remote work expert in your region.

Business upside for both parties:

Remote Work Europe

  • Ownership and control of Europe-wide mailing list and community

  • Cross-European audience to promote non-geographical offers and deals

Country Admins:

  • Be part of a thriving network, in a movement whose time has come!

  • Build your personal authority and reputation for remote work expertise

  • Advertise your own offers to cross-Europe network

  • Negotiate your own deals and events locally in-country

  • Create and share your own aligned content

Remote Work Europe provides:

  • Templates and admin support for Facebook groups. We set it all up for you, ready to start inviting people in and helping them.

  • Newsletter editorial and advertising space per country - promote your relevant event, project, startup etc., to the whole RWE community, not just your country.

  • Your country homepage here on Remote Work Europe
    (such as this one for Remote Work UK)

  • Cross-European content posting in local groups - we’ll share your stuff, if you create content or events which would be of interest to other regions

  • Management and hosting of this website and mailing list, including unique job and content feeds.

  • Negotiation of cross-Europe deals and partnerships for members, collaboration with all our partners.

  • Support and guidance in best practice in group/community management, in a friendly team, containing some highly knowledgeable community leaders and remote work advocates. (We have training manuals etc available too, we all really want to help you grow your community successfully.)

  • Complementary membership/ access to all our training/products

  • Premium affiliate rates for all our products and services

Country Admins provide:

  • Daily(ish) moderation of Facebook group, to agreed standards and policies - a few minutes here and there is all that it usually takes

  • Local content and news for Facebook group. The country admin will need to have some local knowledge of things like taxes and self-employment requirements, at least to the extent of an informed local resident, and they are likely to be permanently resident in their ‘patch’.

  • Scoping of local remote jobs leads for newsletter (and occasional group sharing, per moderation guide)

  • Negotiation of local deals with specialist providers (such as tax, immigration, accommodation, relocation, etc.) Such local deals would create 100% revenue to local moderator, and the potential is unlimited.

  • Monthly (or more often) website content articles (may include local deals and own offers) (50/50 revenue split with Remote Work Europe)

  • Content for newsletter, for local interest and visibility (50/50 revenue split with Remote Work Europe on any country-specific deals)

  • A legal way to invoice/remit to Remote Work Europe for commissions, such as local self employed status or a limited company

Would you be a great country admin to represent Remote Work Europe where you live?

Then please get in touch, and tell us why!

In addition to countries NOT yet represented in our menu list above where we are always keen to create new communities, we have an urgent need for replacement admins in established communities, presently including: Netherlands, Czech Republic, Germany and Italy.