A Remote Career As Unique As You Are


Funny things, job descriptions.

Youโ€™ve probably read a lot of them, if youโ€™re looking for a new career. A list of activities and responsibilities that someone else has bundled together, to design a role to fill around 40 hours a week.

Some of these will be tasks which fill you with inspiration and joy. They are the things that attracted to that job in the first place, and they are the reason it will be an absolute no-brainer to hire you. Naturally you focus your attention, and your application, on those aspects. But every job description will also inevitably include other bits and pieces that the employer needs doing. Things that loosely seem to fit together in that area of responsibility, based on how long they guess it will take you to do things.

What if you could create your own job description, including ONLY the activities in your zone of excellence, the things you do better than anybody else, and which you love doing? The things which serve the goals that matter to you, and support the vision you wish for in the world?

Thatโ€™s what working for yourself is all about, and itโ€™s the secret superpower of creating your own role from scratch: putting your unique talents, passions, experiences, and gifts together, and offering them to the world - in the right way, at the right price, and aligned with the organisations you want to support.

People have found many and varied routes to this over the years, but in 2024 itโ€™s easier than ever, to craft your own unique role online.

This is exactly what our guest Hannah Dixon helps people to do, in the Virtual Excellence Academy. She even runs an amazing FREE 5 day challenge, to help people figure out their own goals and vision for their unique offering.

๐Ÿ’ก Who Should Attend?

  • People who have been looking for a remote job, but arenโ€™t finding the exact package they want offered by someone else

  • People want to offer services online, but are not sure what they are best suited to provide, or who they could be working with

  • People who have the digital services aspect all figured out, but need to package it, market it, and get clients

Register today, to join us live on Thursday June 13th at 5pm, for my chat with Hannah Dixon. Bring your questions about the location-independent freelance lifestyle and the 5 day challenge, and weโ€™ll help you realise the possibilities and plan your next move.


Letโ€™s Sort Out Your LinkedIn Profile!