Revitalise Your Online Presence and Persona


How confident are you, about the way you show up in a live virtual event?

Whether you're gearing up for a remote job interview, leading a virtual meeting, or presenting at an online event, our expert-led session will equip you with the skills to shine through the screen and make the right impression, every time.

Our guest Mr Derek Smith has coached and inspired thousands of people, from aspiring virtual event speakers, to webcam technophobes who literally cannot look themselves in the eyeโ€ฆ Heโ€™s an entertaining and experienced speaker and MC, passing on his wisdom and insight with humour and warmth. And he can help YOU to master the essentials of this crucial skill, that is non-negotiable for any remote jobseeker in 2024.

๐ŸŽฅ Learn to Command Attention: Discover techniques to keep your audience engaged and interested, no matter the virtual setting.

๐ŸŽฅ Ace Remote Interviews: Gain insider tips on making a lasting impression in remote job interviews.

๐ŸŽฅ Enhance Your Virtual Communication: Understand the nuances of body language and vocal tone to communicate effectively online.

๐ŸŽฅ Overcome Camera Shyness: Break through the barriers of webcam anxiety with practical, confidence-boosting strategies.

๐ŸŽฅ Practical Tools and Techniques: Walk away with actionable insights you can apply immediately to stand out in any virtual event (however please note this event is about your presence and mindset, not the tech.)

Who Should Join?

This webinar is perfect for professionals, freelancers, and anyone looking to elevate their online presence. Whether you're a seasoned virtual communicator or new to the digital stage, our session will provide valuable insights to enhance your webcam confidence.

Reserve Your Spot Now!

Don't miss this opportunity to transform your virtual presence. Secure your spot today and take the first step towards becoming a more confident and engaging figure on any digital platform.


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